We have received a lot of feedback from our followers and have also received a lot of questions regarding our league, competitions, qualifying etc. We want to ensure you all have the answers you need to get your teams prepped and ready to compete! See below to answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.
What is the structure of the National Step League?
National Step League is a step competition and a progressive national league allowing teams to see where they rank on a national scale. Our series is naturally structured to where each competition represents a progression to the next round. National Step League begins with a series of first round championship competitions in which registration is open to all teams on a first come first served basis. The top 4 teams in each division will then qualify for the Regional Championships. Then, once again, the top 4 teams from each Regional Championship will then qualify to compete in the National Championship.
Are we allowed to register for events outside of our region?
Absolutely, as we are a national league, we encourage teams to register in competitions as long as it is reasonable in terms of your transportation, schedule, etc.
Are we limited to performing/competing in only ONE qualifier championship?
Absolutely not, you can compete in as many competitions as you like and we recommend it. It is a great way to get experience, and network with new regions to better prepare your team for Regionals and Nationals.
When are the deadlines for team registration?
The deadline for registration is 14 days prior to each competition. If you have any special needs as far as registration or require an extension please contact us so we are made aware of your situation.
Is there a registration fee required to participate?
Yes, there is a per person registration fee. Registration proceeds are allocated toward orchestrating a quality event for things such as: event staff, prizes, trophies, awards etc.
What is the judging criteria?
Follow this link to the registration page for details on the scoring rubric: Judging Criteria.